The Performance Improvement Process is designed to diagnose and correct an employee performance problem and prescribe the necessary action to take.
This is a 3-step process that:
1) Gains agreement between the supervisor and employee that a performance gap exists and that performance needs improvement.
2) Helps determine if the problem stems from inadequate motivation/will or if the problem stems from lack of resources and inadequate skill/ability and inadequate training.
3) Determines if the employee needs to be reassigned or if corrective action is needed.
The process was created because most supervisors try to randomly conduct an interview with an employee who has a performance problem without structure and the outcome usually falls short of desired expectations for both the employee and the supervisor.
When this process is followed, an employee typically A) improves performance, B) gets reassigned to another position, or C) is terminated.
Download the Flowchart shown below:
Performance Improvement Process