Are You Busy or Productive?

Are you a big risk taker? Do you see yourself as a gambler? There is a big difference in the degree of risk between buying a lottery ticket versus taking your life savings and going to a gambling casino. As business owners we inadvertently take unnecessary risks with our business with unintended consequences. We get…

Performance Improvement Coaching (1)

Diagnose and Prescribe Performance Improvement Using a Process

The Performance Improvement Process is designed to diagnose and correct an employee performance problem and prescribe the necessary action to take. This is a 3-step process that: 1) Gains agreement between the supervisor and employee that a performance gap exists and that performance needs improvement. 2) Helps determine if the problem stems from inadequate motivation/will or…

Time for Corrective Action

Basics of Corrective Action

Corrective action is a process of communicating with the employee to improve unacceptable behavior or performance after other methods such as coaching and performance appraisal have not been successful. When managing job performance and/or disciplinary issues there are two fundamental principles to keep in mind: Employees deserve to know and understand what is expected of…