Are You Busy or Productive?

Are you a big risk taker? Do you see yourself as a gambler? There is a big difference in the degree of risk between buying a lottery ticket versus taking your life savings and going to a gambling casino. As business owners we inadvertently take unnecessary risks with our business with unintended consequences. We get…

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improving skills

The Journey From Awareness to New Behaviors

The Journey From Awareness to New Behaviors We spend most of our time and energy on learning new things but very little converting the effort into actually improving results. In order to make a quantum leap in performance, develop new habits by creating new neuron pathways. Here’s HOW!

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Time for Corrective Action

Basics of Corrective Action

Corrective action is a process of communicating with the employee to improve unacceptable behavior or performance after other methods such as coaching and performance appraisal have not been successful. When managing job performance and/or disciplinary issues there are two fundamental principles to keep in mind: Employees deserve to know and understand what is expected of…

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Lead with Your Whole Brain

Why Lead with Your Whole Brain

Is your organization falling short of achieving its full potential?  Where do stress and failure to plan come from?  Why do we make uncomplicated relationships complicated?  Why are some people so negative most of the time? Why do we make excuses rather than taking full responsibility for our actions even though we know that we…

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Fighting Too Many Fires

Do you find yourself struggling to achieve desired results due to unexpected issues?  We can easily find ourselves in a state of constant overwhelm due to last minute surprises.  We don’t necessarily make our best decisions and get our most promising results when we are constantly firefighting.  We don’t need to live our lives, nor do we have to run our businesses, being bombarded with issues that we haven’t been able to anticipate.

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Developing Effective Work Teams

Developing Effective Work Teams

In order to develop an effective work team, those in leadership must understand the role of individual private logic (also called paradigm) for how each person sees the world and his/her role in it. Additionally, in order to gain willing participation, leaders must consider how best to influence each team member. Sales and management expert,…

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Everything is Easier When You Think

Why do some people with talent achieve mediocre results while other less talented people are remarkable achievers? People that achieve their potential use their heads and they measure success by the difference they make! Yikes…aren’t we brain washed into thinking that success is defined by the money we make.  This is true for some people,…

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Is Your Sales Competence Hidden? Build Your Own Questions Library

Is Your Sales Competence Hidden?

Build your own questions library OR secrets of a sales professional: How I sold millions in new business with NO talking or telling May I let you in on a little secret? During my sales career I have been blessed to obtain millions of dollars of new business and never use a sales pitch. Instead…

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Disagreeing Doesn’t Mean Being Disagreeable!

Disagreeing with a person in a position senior to yours can enhance your career or result in your looking for new employment.  The choice is yours!  Being prepared with facts, understanding your company’s culture, knowing senior managers’ leadership style, being respectful, and having the right motivation all matter. Here are a few tips that will…

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How to Make Relationships Pay Off

If you ask most business owners what their most valuable assets are many would probably say their products or their employees. Although this answer may be common, it is most definitely wrong. True, without products or services you would have nothing to offer to your customers. However, if you want to move beyond the basics…

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Business Success and The Art of Better Thinking

I once heard an associate make this statement: “The most important business and marketing tool we have is the one between our ears.” I can’t improve on that, so I’m stealing it with his permission. Business success is often more of an art than a science. The objective elements of an enjoyable, profitable endeavor are…

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